February 1st, 2015

By February 1, 2015June 21st, 20212015 Uganda Trip, Uganda Travel

Surprisingly we awoke early and the air was actually chilly! I have never in my previous trips felt chilly in Uganda!  It is also very dry here, much less green than in previous years. They have not had any rain since December and the landscapes definitely show the stress of the Ugandan dry season.  Today we went to work. What a wonderful reunion we had with our Loan Administrators.  First with Annette in Lwaboba (pronounced wa-bo-ba), and then with Suzan in Tororo (tore-roar-row). I got a chance to introduce Suzan to her newer laptop that was recently donated by one of our wonderful supporters. It was such a pleasure to update her more than 8+ year old barely running laptop.  With all of the technical challenges in Uganda, providing a faster and more powerful laptop makes all the difference in the world to our communication efforts between our two countries. Tomorrow I will have the pleasure of providing Annette with the same.

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